Business Development Center Membership
There is no cost to be a standard member of the Center. Any registered member of Project Impact has automatic standard membership in the Business Center. Anyone who registers to use the services of the CUC Business Development Center automatically receives a FREE membership to Project Impact. Center members receive access to the facility and services. Those services include:
Business Members are established businesses that provide services for Center members. These businesses have demonstrated proficiency in their profession and are committed to providing quality support services at a fair and competitive price. When members need additional professional support such as bookkeeping and accounting, sales and marketing, transportation, moving, legal support or more, Business Members are recommended. If for any reason the Center member business cannot afford to pay the Business Member standard fees, the CUC Business Development Center will insure full payment until such time as the member business can afford payment themselves.* True Business Development requires access to quality professional services. Our Business Members assure that access. To become a Business Level Member click here: Business Level Member.
* Planned to begin in the 2nd Quarter of 2019
Sponsor Members are individuals and businesses that support our mission of developing strong, sustainable, growing neighborhood businesses. Sponsor members send the very clear message to the community that "Your Neighborhood Matters." Through their tax deductible charitable donations to Project Impact, Sponsor Members ensure the quality of service the Center provides. Sponsor Member donations range from small to large, but without them the work of the Center could not be accomplished. For some Sponsor Members it is a branding opportunity to let the community know they are there for them and are determined to be a part of their success. Others prefer to remain anonymous, satisfied to know their charitable donation is going to change lives and strengthen communities. Contact us for more information on Sponsor Member opportunities.
Investor Members are individuals and businesses that recognize the potential growth opportunity for many of the businesses that participate in the Business Development Center. Our investor members understand that businesses with they type of solid foundation provided by working with experienced SCORE mentors increases the potential for success. Investor members recognize that businesses that work directly with the SBA, SBIR, STTR and other local, regional, state and federal programs have great opportunity for rapid growth and higher return on investment. For more information on how you can become an Investor Member contact us.
* Planned to begin in the 2nd Quarter of 2019
Sponsor Members are individuals and businesses that support our mission of developing strong, sustainable, growing neighborhood businesses. Sponsor members send the very clear message to the community that "Your Neighborhood Matters." Through their tax deductible charitable donations to Project Impact, Sponsor Members ensure the quality of service the Center provides. Sponsor Member donations range from small to large, but without them the work of the Center could not be accomplished. For some Sponsor Members it is a branding opportunity to let the community know they are there for them and are determined to be a part of their success. Others prefer to remain anonymous, satisfied to know their charitable donation is going to change lives and strengthen communities. Contact us for more information on Sponsor Member opportunities.
Investor Members are individuals and businesses that recognize the potential growth opportunity for many of the businesses that participate in the Business Development Center. Our investor members understand that businesses with they type of solid foundation provided by working with experienced SCORE mentors increases the potential for success. Investor members recognize that businesses that work directly with the SBA, SBIR, STTR and other local, regional, state and federal programs have great opportunity for rapid growth and higher return on investment. For more information on how you can become an Investor Member contact us.